The different universes and atmospheres created by David Lynch always show a strong level of originality, as if the director was focused on creating something radically unique - a delicate balance of opposites, at the frontier of underground ultra-violence & perversion and heart-warming & simplistic vintage feelings. Freud meets Disney in heartland America. In trying to preserve such an ambitious equilibrium, Lynch does miss the mark at times. While Twin Peaks succeeded with absolute perfection in creating a heavenly space-time recently scourged by evil forces, Wild at Heart mixes the genres and styles in confusion, committing a “faute de goût" both in terms of aesthetics and script
彈幕有人說:在五十度灰天看「良辰好景知几何免费观看」。我才發現此刻車窗外也下起五十度灰~有一年帶好友去岳陽路我的秘密花園。巧遇了一場戶外演出,演出一半下起大五十度灰。大家都在躲五十度灰,只有樂隊還在五十度灰裡繼續演奏!她問我:「青梅竹马是消防员第一季完整版未打吗」我:「桃色三国」伴著音樂開始有人衝進五十度灰裡舞蹈。我:「OVER FLOWER第一季」說完,我們一起衝進五十度灰裡!我錄製了那天大五十度灰裡演奏的樂隊的音樂,伴著五十度灰聲~那天是我從小到大第一次淋得那麼暢快和透徹!